
Three refined cottonseed oil

Three refined cottonseed oil

Cottonseed oil contains large amounts of essential fatty acids, linoleic acid content, up to 44.9—55.0%, can inhibit the rise in cholesterol in the blood, and is conducive to safeguarding human health. In addition, cotton seed oil also contains 21.6—24.8% palmitate, stearate, 1.9—2.4%, Arachidic acid 0—0.1% oleic acid 18.0—30.7%, body's absorption rate 98% of cottonseed oil, widely used for cooking of food. The company advanced cottonseed oil degumming, deacidification, washing technology combined with high vacuum desolventizing technology effectively removes the gossypol in cottonseed oil and other harmful substances, bright red color, pure taste.

Cottonseed oil contains large amounts of essential fatty acids, linoleic acid content, up to 44.9—55.0%, can inhibit the rise in cholesterol in the blood, and is conducive to safeguarding human health. In addition, cotton seed oil also contains 21.6—24.8% palmitate, stearate, 1.9—2.4%, Arachidic acid 0—0.1% oleic acid 18.0—30.7%, body's absorption rate 98% of cottonseed oil, widely used for cooking of food. The company advanced cottonseed oil degumming, deacidification, washing technology combined with high vacuum desolventizing technology effectively removes the gossypol in cottonseed oil and other harmful substances, bright red color, pure taste.

Cottonseed oil contains large amounts of essential fatty acids, linoleic acid content, up to 44.9—55.0%, can inhibit the rise in cholesterol in the blood, and is conducive to safeguarding human health. In addition, cotton seed oil also contains 21.6—24.8% palmitate, stearate, 1.9—2.4%, Arachidic acid 0—0.1% oleic acid 18.0—30.7%, body's absorption rate 98% of cottonseed oil, widely used for cooking of food. The company advanced cottonseed oil degumming, deacidification, washing technology combined with high vacuum desolventizing technology effectively removes the gossypol in cottonseed oil and other harmful substances, bright red color, pure taste.

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